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生物化学与分子生物学 博士(2004年)

生物化学与分子生物学 教授



 主要从事人类肿瘤基因治疗、DNA损伤与修复、基因的结构与功能的机制研究。2000年至今,构建并研究了可通过外界抗生素诱导的调控自杀基因治疗系统Tet-On /HSVtK/GCV和其杀伤乳腺癌细胞的作用及分子机制;作为第一作者或参与者,2008-2012年研究了神经母细胞瘤细胞等在缺氧环境中TLX与肿瘤发生、增殖过程的关系及在TGF-ß/Smad分子调控信号机制。2013-2015年研究了顺铂等抗肿瘤药物与调控自杀基因治疗联合后,对乳腺癌细胞迁移、顺铂耐药等的影响及分子机制;参与神经细胞老化与阿尔茨海默病脑内形成机制、雾霾DNA损伤及药物干预修复的探讨,病毒性脑炎的分子诊断研究等。



1. Zeng ZJ, Xiang SG, Xue WW, Li HD, Ma N, Ren ZJ, Xu ZJ, Jiao CH, Wang CY, Hu WX. The cell death and DNA damages caused by the Tet-On regulating HSV-tk/GCV suicide gene system in MCF-7 cells Biomed Pharmacother. 2014 Jul 28. pii:S0753-3322(14) 094-098.

2. Chavali PL, Saini RK, Zhai Q, Vizlin-Hodzic D, Venkatabalasubramanian S, Hayashi A, Johansson E, Zeng ZJ, Mohlin S, Påhlman S, Hansford L, Kaplan DR, Funa K. TLX activates MMP-2, promotes self-renewal of tumor spheres in neuroblastoma and correlates with poor patient survival.  Cell Death Dis. 2014 Oct 30;5:e1502. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2014.449.

3. Chavali PL, Saini RK, Zhai Q, Vizlin-Hodzic D, Venkatabalasubramanian S, Hayashi A, Johansson E, Zeng ZJ, Mohlin S, Påhlman S, Hansford L, Kaplan DR, Funa K. TLX activates MMP-2, promotes self-renewal of tumor spheres in neuroblastoma and correlates with poor patient survival. Cell Death Dis. 2014 Oct 30;5:e1502. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2014.449.

4. Zhao-jun Zeng, Erik Johansson, Amiko Hayashi, Pavithra L. Chavali, Nina Akrap, Takeshi Yoshida,Kimitoshi Kohno, Hiroto Izumi3 and Keiko Funa. TLX controls angiogenesis through interaction with the von Hippel-Lindau protein. Biology Open. June 15, 2012,1 (6) :527-535.

5. Elmi M, Matsumoto Y, Zeng ZJ, Lakshminarasimhan P, Yang W, Uemura A,Nishikawa SI, Moshiri A, Tajima N, Agren H, Funa K*. TLX activates MASH1 for induction of neuronal lineage commitment of adult hippocampal neuroprogenitors. Molecular Cell Neuroscience. 2010 Oct;45(2):121-31.

6. Li ZB, Zeng ZJ, Chen Q, Luo SQ, Hu WX. Recombinant AAV-mediated HSVtk gene transfer with direct intratumoral injections and Tet-On regulation for implanted human breast cancer. BMC Cancer. 2006 Mar 16;6:66.

7. Zeng ZJ, Li ZB, Luo SQ, Hu WX. Retrovirus-mediated tk gene therapy of implanted human breast cancer in nude mice under the regulation of Tet-On. Cancer Gene Ther. 2006 Mar;13(3):290-297.

8. Hu WX, Zeng ZJ, Luo SQ, Chen Q. Suicide gene therapy of human breast cancer in SCID mice model by the regulation of Tet-On. Chin Med J (Engl). 2004 Mar;11